For a greater understanding of the impact of somatic communication on humanity
To participate in balancing the adverse impacts of digital technology on society and social systems
For dancers to be valued for the embodied knowledge intrinsic to their practice
Goals, Objectives & Core Values
Create a platform and network of CoLaboratory working groups (CoLabs) where dancers and other mindbody research practitioners train their Relational Intelligence such that they are able to collaborate toward generating new knowledge.
To develop a multicultural theory of embodied communication with practical, teachable skills applicable to various fields (dance and non-dance). This involves creating experiential programs using movement scores, somatic exercises, group experiences, and multimedia materials. The aim is to enhance coordination, interpersonal resonance, trust, and self-organization.
To develop theoretical and practical models of embodied actions of attention, providing guidance on attention skills for both dancers and non-dancers. This work challenges the idea of fixed attention modes and emphasizes attention as a form of communication that expands relational and interpersonal intelligence. Training programs will focus on the importance of embodied states in deepening and broadening attention.
Core Values
Overall, the ISSC's core values are rooted in care, and the transformative power of embodied practices. They aim to improve communication, cultivate attention, and unlock human potential, while embracing the richness of diverse experiences and collaborative endeavors.
The ISSC’s core values additionally include:
The importance of embodied communication, particularly the role of physicality and micro movement in communication.
Attention as a trainable skill, challenging the idea of fixed attention modes and advocating for attention as a habit of communication.
Recognizing the potential for human growth and experiential development.
The diversity of human experiences.